Monday, December 15, 2008

Communication Skills

Good communication skills are a necessity in your personal and business life. Some people are naturally good communicators. For everyone else, communication is a skill that must be nurtured. With a little time and effort, no one will ever know you weren't born with the gift of gab

Communication Skills

Companies talk about needing better communication skills, but often don't know exactly what that means or they don't know how to go about making it happen. And without doubt, unless you are a company of one, at some point or another, communication will go awry through no one's fault or intention - it's just the way it happens. You might have pockets of 'them and us': marketing vs. finance, IT vs. admin, HR vs. operations, consultant’s vs. full time staff. You might have cross-functional or virtual teams whose ability to communicate efficiently is vital. If you have groups of people who simply have to communicate more effectively then giving them communication training may be just what you need.

Effective Communication takes real skill

These communication skills have to be developed, honed and added to on an on-going basis. They are at the heart of interpersonal skills and the greater your awareness of how it all works, the more effective your communication will be. Most people in business think they communicate pretty well, and in our experience that's generally true.
However, even the best communicators can have their communication skills undermined when they get wrong-footed, face potential humiliation, feel misunderstood or get really surprised by someone else's behavior. That's when it all seems to fall apart and people regress to all kinds of inappropriate and unhelpful behavior. We deal with communication skills training by unpicking what happens - if you know how the dynamics work, you can be in charge of them. Then you can choose from a whole range of tools and techniques that fit your personal style. We're big on personal style because when it comes to communication under pressure you can't be anyone other than yourself.
Therefore, we like to develop the communication skills people already have and the things they already do well, rather than focusing on what's wrong or what needs to be fixed. Being a good communicator is often about feeling confident in those situations where you don't always feel comfortable, so we make life easier for you by enhancing what's already there. In other words, you don't have to learn a whole bunch of radically new things. Being an effective communicator means that other people take you seriously, listen to what you have to say and engage in dialogue. Our work on Communication Skills Training includes influencing, negotiation, making an impact, dealing with conflict and difficult people - really, anything that has to do with people dealing with other people with far more confidence, assurance and authenticity.

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