Monday, December 15, 2008


“Self-reliance” is depending on oneself and not upon external agency or assistance. Every created thing is gifted with a certain degree of Self-reliance. The young one of a bird or an animal depends upon its mother for its food and protection only for a little time and then it fends for itself and protects itself. The plant sends its roots to get its food from the soil. The fish learns, by instinct, to swim and to get its food. The human parents feed and protect their child up to a certain age and then the growing child is left to look after itself. The child depends more and more upon itself as it grows up. It develops in itself self-confidence and Self-reliance.

Everyday loves to have Self-reliance. Every nation, like every individual citizen, wants to have Self-reliance. Self-reliance makes an individual or a nation optimistic, hard working and achieves what is required. Self-reliant people are always respected. Self-reliance is born out of the hope of getting self-sufficiency in character, strength and material needs, or out of the actual possession of such things.

A poor but hardy man has self-confidence and hopes to earn enough to become self-sufficient and self-reliant. The merchant who has self-reliance thrives well in his business. A student who regularly attend lectures and does his home assignment become self-reliant. The nation that produces surplus or sufficient food-grains, cloths and industrial products, grows self-reliant. The disciple of a religious leader gets guidance from his master until he acquires self-reliance to meditate independently and self-confidence to discover the meaning of life.

There are individuals with particular talents, but without the necessary financial strength or favorable circumstances to reveal them. A nation may have several natural resources which can be harnessed for a thousand and one useful purposes. But, lacking technical know-how or lacking the necessary industrial machines, the nation remains poor and underdeveloped. She needs help from the other countries to develop her and become Self-reliant and self-sufficient.

Self-reliance does not always make an individual or a nation self-sufficient. There are some individuals and some nations that can never become self-reliant or self-sufficient on account of the incurable physical or mental weaknesses of the individual or on account of the geographical conditions of the countries.

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