Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Good Manners

Every child is known by his behavior. People judge our children by observing manners of children. Manners are much more than just saying “please” and “thank you.” They are ways of showing kindness and consideration. At young age, it is easy to teach good manners. Good manners are lifetime asset. The rewards of this asset are several and the cost is negligible. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior.

Manners are taught as soon as your child understands what you are saying. In addition, children will need coaching and reminders on manners throughout their childhood. It is best to give positive support, that is, when your child does something right, let them know. When your child does something wrong, do not be negative about it, but gently tell them how it is best done and why.

Teaching of good manners:

The best way to educate children is being a good role model. Because children learn from observation. . Learning manners is like learning a new language or a musical instrument. It is very easy to learn something in childhood. So start planting the seeds as young as possible. The foundation of good manners can be strong in young age.

Give examples of good behavior and poor behavior to your child. Take help of books and discuss about good manners.

When we talk about good manners, we think mostly about table manners. We are in need to teach them in other areas also.

First we talk about basic manners. In my suggestion these are:

  • Be nice to people.
  • When you ask for something not forget to say “Please”
    Say “Thank You” when you are given something.
    Say “You’re Welcome” when someone thanks you.
    Greet people when you see them.
    Look people in the eyes when you talk to people look in their eyes.
    Do not interrupt when other people are talking.
    Share with others.
    Help people.
    Let guests go first.
    Be on time, especially if you are meeting someone.

In good manners, cleanliness is also important. Put the habit of hygiene from very early stage. Here are tips for inculcating the value of cleanliness in children.

Start with the room

Put a habit to keep the things in the right place. Set down certain parameters. For example, a child should never be allowed to use dirty hankies or towels. Never allow the child to bring the shoes on the bed, however tired he or she may be.

The next step is the bathroom.

We should teach our children to brush their teeth, clean their bottoms and have a nice bath. They must also learn to keep their surroundings clean. For example, you could put up a funny little poster that reminds your son to pull the flush. Or put up a little bell that rings every time he forgets to shut the door. Teach you children to conserve water by shutting the all taps in the house as well. Be it in the bathroom or kitchen, or anywhere under the sun.

What about other places?

In order to maintain cleanliness, never allow your children to eat in any place of the house. Teach your children to lay the table neatly. Make sure that both your son and daughter pick up their own used plates and carry them to the kitchen sink. They should also offer to carry those of the aged members of the family. Washing their hands and gargling after meals is also a very good habit, as it will help them fight bad odour throughout life.

Cleanliness at public places

Encourage your children to apply the same cleanliness standards in the public and private too. You have to ensure that your children do not litter a park when on a picnic or that they do not throw garbage from a running bus/train. The road is not for spitting or throwing other waste materials. Children have to be strictly warned against spitting, as it is an international menace.

Table manners

It is the turn of table manners. Table manners include party manners also. Here are some suggestions.

  • Do not chew noisily or with your mouth open.
  • The idea is to eat with your fingers, not with your hand and definitely not with both hands.
  • Put the napkin on your lap so that food does not get onto your clothes.
  • Do not read or watch television while eating. Because mealtimes are a good chance for the family to sit together.
  • Excuse yourself before leaving the table. Do not announce loudly that you have to go to the bathroom.
  • Wait till everyone has finished eating before getting up from the table.
  • Burping is not considered polite.
  • Do not talk with your mouth full.
  • Do not gobble your food. Take small bites and chew properly.
  • Do not play with your food and finish everything that is on your plate.
  • Use the words "please" and "thank you" when passing dishes to each other.
  • Do not turn dinner into an unpleasant "lecture time." That will turn kids off not only to manners, but to dinner, and to you, too.

· Check your own example. Don't show up for dinner in just your underwear unless you want your kids to do the same.

The Golden Rule. The golden rule for good manners is to feel the importance of treating others. So Stress the importance of treating others in the same way they would like to be treated.

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